Saturday, September 26, 2009

Let's Talk About Poverty

I woke up quite early this morning, around 9am to avoid the boyfriend's nagging and also the spoil of mood for the entire day..hahha! He waited for me to join him to the badminton hall but too bad I didnt make it to get ready on time. He'll have to pick me from home around 12pm.

Taken my shower but still unwilling to get dressed up. Instead immediately after I shower I start to online. 4 main pages that I'll usually open is my blog, my facebook, my twitter and my hotmail. These are the pages that I'll refresh all the time before reading others blogs.

This morning I came across Hannah Tan's twitter and decided to read her blog. She posted up this Sam & Esther video in one of her entry. Before I actually click to play it, I knew it has got something to do with the Afghanistan kids or Bosnia or something like this. Wondering if I could take it seeing the video, without any doubt I double-clicked the video to pause it while buffering. Played the video and towards the end, I had heartache seeing Sam & Esther's condition.

I googled about Sam & Esther and here's what I found..

"Sam and Esther, two children in a Ugandan village who are being looked after by their slightly older sister Jane, who is eight years old and is the effective head of the family. The video is searingly awful, dreadfully difficult to watch. To see those two children, to hear their cries, is almost more than anyone with any feeling can bear. As the narrator says, doctrinal squabbles just become sickening irrelevancies in the face of the suffering of these two innocent children, whose exploitation by the west is far more pornographic than any porno movie could ever be, all the more because it is so subtle, so hidden. At least the exploitation of pornography is out in the open." 

Statistics have proven that the rate of poverty in the world has grown and I'm so lucky but yet wasting my food sometimes.  If you view the follow up story of Sam & Esther, we could actually save 1dolar a day and it gives a significant help to curb the poverty rates. One dollar a day could help so many lives, whereas I'm spending so much like nobody's business every now and then. I must do something. At least help out Miss Intoxicated! Save up on that piece of top and it makes a difference.


Jean said...

good share of video. pity them. sob.

From me to you, suejean =)

elaineyong said...

Reply to SJ
Ya so pity right. After seeing the video, I tried not to waste on my food. There's more in youtube..even worst!