Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Reached KL this evening around 4pm. It was raining quite heavily and I was in the bus thinking how should I get down later..luckily the boyfriend coincidently followed the bus I was in and he followed till Pudu. I quickly get off the bus and hopped into his car. Just the right timing. I was carrying one medium luggage and another small one. Yes I have many things and those are my necessities!

Next we went to Pavilion to meet up with WeiJen. Had dinner in Dragon-i and as usual, I had my favourite La Mian Beef Brisket. But now I dont think the La Mian is delicious anymore. Perhaps it's because I had too much of it. I should try other dishes next time. Then we went window shopping and then had drinks at The Loaf. Again, my window shopping was never success. I bought two headbands from MissT.

Bought the pink and white one.

I was looking for pretty headbands for quite some time already but couldnt find a nice one. I saw one in Diva the other day but I didnt get it. By the time I made my decision to buy, it was out of stock..ish! I even searched for it in Pavilion today, but it was out of stock. At least I have a new look with this headbands..hehhe! I need more styles..formal, sporty, girlish, casual, and everything! LOL

It was raining heavily. Not to complain much, but seriously I'd rather be under the sun than the rain coz I need to meet customers and rainy days make everything difficult! Unless when it's my rest day, then I'll heart rain..LOL!

Kindergarten Graduation

Something to share with everyone! I found my kindergarten graduation photo in my dad's file and I quickly snapped the photo. I was so exciting when I saw this photo and I told my dad I looked prettier when I was young..hahha! Just because I'm skinny during that time, that's why I love the photo.

I dont know where I was looking and it's definitely not exactly looking at the cameraman. I dont know why I was not smiling also. Perhaps during that time I have no idea how great graduation ceremony is. Who knows it's just for fun..hahha!

Or perhaps I was worrying that my mum will leave me in the kindergarten and she'll return home. I could still remembered how I used to cry every morning when my mum sent me to school. Every morning my teacher will definitely pull me from my mum and then locked the classroom door. I always cried when my mum trying to leave and sometimes I even chased her till the car. Damn embarrassing!

Kindergarten is like not long ago, and now I'll be graduating for my Bachelor of Degree this September. Time flies. I'm really happy that I still have this kindergarten graduation pic. This September I'm gonna have another graduation photo. Definitely gonna show up in slides during my wedding! (Ahem in the future I mean..) I have many childhood photos and I think that will be too much for me to display out for my wedding slides. Oops why am I keep thinking of those wedding thingy?! Perhaps too many of my friends are getting married soon..slightly got influenced..hehhe!

So do I look different? Young vs now.. ;)

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