Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Proposal

We went for midnight movie at Tropicana City Mall last night. It's been quite some time since we both go for movies. The boyfriend loves going to the cinema. But I dont. Unless for romantic movies or comedies. I hate action and horror movies.

Reached home around 9pm last night and I quickly online to check out the showtime for The Proposal at One-U. Unfortunately, the GSC website encountered some problems and it took me almost 5 minutes to load a page. After half an hour I was waiting for the showtime page.

After that it was alright. Everything went smoothly. The seats in One-U wasnt good, so I tried booking at Tropicana City Mall. I booked The Proposal, 11.05pm.

I looked sleepy here, with no make-ups and wanna-sleep face.

And also very hungry. Here's my dinner in the cinema. The boyfriend bought Subway 6-foot-long sandwich, 1901's New York Chicken, Mash Potato and Coke. Enjoying our dinner before the movie starts.


We both love the movie very much.

The boyfriend loves Andrew's hometown.


Meanwhile I love this part. I mean it's kinda funny to see Margaret proposed to Andrew, when all the while she's the boss. And then when Andrew walked away, it's funny to see the way Margaret couldnt stand up with her super high stilettos.


Hahha and this part reminds me of the boyfriend and his mum!


When I watched this part, where Margaret slept on the bed and Andrew on the floor, it reminds of my first time staying over in the boyfriend's place. His mum told that she already prepared his sister's room for me.

You know what he told his mum?

"It's okay. I'll let her sleep in my room with me. I'll just sleep on the floor."

His mum then brought the single bed mattress to his room, thinking that his son really gonna sleep on the!

When the door is closed, he ended up sleeping on the bed with me.

Nasty mama boy!

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