Thursday, July 23, 2009

After Days, Weeks, & Months

I was reading Weilee's blog and found out that my last blogging was a week ago..hahha! I thought I just blogged like not long ago only. Didnt realize that it has already been a week.

Time flies.

Every day, week and month goes by in a blink of eye. Without realizing that I'm gonna turn 23 by the end of this year. I have 2 more years to achieve my dreams. How I wished I could slow down the time or perhaps add another few hours to my 24 hours. I'm willing to anything if I could do so..hehhe!

Been very busy lately especially after the launching of Izumi skincare. And I'm brushing up on my leadership skills by reading more books and attending seminars and courses. I learnt something new.

Excellent in academic, why not in dealing matters...
Excellent in dealing matters, why not in dealing people..
Excellent in dealing people, why not in managing..
Excellent in managing, why not in leadership..

So I'm trying very hard to learn and learn and learn. Learn from the successful people, from the elderly and experienced. The bf and I is craving for books and spending time in bookstores. Doesnt sound like me huh?! I know. People need to change for good la..hehhe!

So far I'm loving everything around me. Like I've mentioned in fb, I love myself, the people around me, my stressless work, my cute-but-naughty downlines and everything. Therefore I learn to appreciate everything around me. Appreciate that I choose the right person. Appreciate that I'm having good career. Appreciate everything and everyone including you who reads my blog. ;)

In this life, we never get to choose when we were born and when we will die. BUT we can choose how to spend the entire journey in this life, be it wonderful or not. I'm trying my best to paint my life with beautiful colours and meaningful pictures in it.

It's 1am now and I havent got my shower. I need to stop here before the bf nags at me again. Will post again this weekends k! Enjoy people.. ;)


1 comment:

SGRMSE. said...