Thursday, September 4, 2008

I Have A Dream..

A song to sing..
To help me cope..with anything..
If you ever wonder..of a fairytale..
La la la la la la..
(And I forget whats next..) lol

MATTA Fair's coming! This Friday I'm going to get my tickets to Australia.
I'm rather excited for my graduation ceremony now..
I have so many things in my mind. What should I bring..what should I wear..what should I....
It's gonna be one of my memorable day in life besides attending the graduation ceremony again in KL.

I've had my kindergarten graduation, now waiting for uni graduation pic..very anxious to see the!

I'll get to attend twice. Once is with friends over in Sydney and another day in KL with family and friends here. I guess I'm gonna go on a diet starting from this month and next. I dont wanna look chubby in my graduation photo. I thought of getting hair extension as well! Oh god, look my hair during my kindergarten graduation..SAME LENGTH AS FOR NOW!! Hahhahahhah! Since my length is like not long nor short, it's difficult to manage. Hair extension will make me look better I think..hahha! I'm dreaming of long hair..I'll keep my hair long again but no more curling it. Perhaps will get a curling thong or just let it be straight.
That's first thing to worry about. HAIR.

Next, should I get an SLR camera for perfect pictures? A good camera to capture my best moments and holidays in Sydney and Gold Coast. I have no idea bout SLRs but maybe I'll pay a visit to the experts to learn more bout it. In fact, I should explore and try out the camera first. Because I'm a person who is always excited of getting something new and get bored of it after a certain period. Hahha. And I dont know whether Canon or Nikon is better. Any suggestions?
Second thing, SLR CAMERA.

Many more actually. Cant think of it now. I have too many dreams now..hahha! I wanna stay in my own condo having my comfy zone, drive the car of my choice, travel to few countries throughout the year, shop freely, and earn to the max! Alamak..sounds greedy right?! Kekke. Nvm at least I have dreams like the saying goes..

"The poorest man in the world is not without money, but the man without dreams."

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