Okay back to Sipadan Island Part 2.

On the second day we woke up kinda early..around 7am, had breakfast and started to go snorkelling around 8 to Kapalai and Mabul Island. Basically these are the few famous islands nearby Sipadan Island. Only islands are interesting places over there, other than that only seafood are the attraction.

Look at the skies. Not my camera is doing magic but the skies are really that blue okay! I was surprised when I reached there. The sea water are transparent and the skies are so blue. Sounds like heaven huh..lol!
It takes about 20 minutes to reach Kapalai Island. In this island, there are few armies who take charge of the island. They are protecting the place from terrorists. In fact, they do not allow us to enter into the Kapalai Resort. Only guests are allowed. So we only get to dip into the sea. But I never like that particular place. Cause there were so many sea mosquitoes! They bite like mosquitoes and there's a slight pain like as if you were getting your piercing. Ish hateful!
As you can see I'm afraid of the sun because I dont wanna get tanned! I have a grand annual dinner to attend next coming Sunday and I seriously need to hide from the sun..hahha!

Kapalai was really beautiful. This is the best shot taken at Kapalai Resort. AhHwa stole this photo from me and put it as wallpaper in her laptop. I think I should as well. The resort at Kapalai is quite costly, almost same price as our resort. It's on the sea, but ours are in an island..I think ours are more safe because if there's anything happened, at least we have some coconut trees to rely on..hahhhaha!

Our arrival at the resort. We were only allowed to gather at the small hut. The army doesnt allow us to have a walk into the resort. Only for their guests. We'd like to have a look at the resort to see how good it is, but too bad we cant.

And here's the army in charge at the resort. He looks kinda stern huh?! Senyum-lah sikit bang! ;)

Back to our resort. Started to pack all our things and ready to leave Sipadan-Mabul Resort. Kinda reluctant but no choice, we only have one night there. Had light lunch at the cafeteria before proceeding to Singamata for our seafood lunch.

Oh I just love this photo! The sea is so clear and the sky is so blue, can you see the contrast clearly? Unlike our Batu Feringghi beach, the sea is brownish and the sky is light blue.

On our way back to Semporna jetty..

And all of a sudden, something happened..

The sea level becomes shallow SUDDENLY! Can you imagine the sea level is only until your ankle in the middle of the big wide sea?!
The boatman couldnt do anything but to let the boat engines turned slowly. The fan even damaged some plants and the water becomes very dirty because the fan blended the sand.

Luckily the water level becomes higher after 15 minutes. Otherwise we'll have to wait in the middle of the sea. Unfortunately, our friends in another boat gotta get down into the sea and pushed the boat til certain level! I should get from them the photos and post up here..ehhheh!
Here comes Singamata. The last place we'll ever go! The food was okay but the price was really threatening mann! Two tables having some common seafood and they charged us RM1300! That is so damn expensive mann!

At night we had dinner at the same restaurant we used to go everytime we're in Tawau. Cheap and really delicious mann!
Look at this big fish. I dont remember whats the name of this fish but it's really huge.

Dont play play ah..advertised in The Star sumore

Next karaoke session. Not everyone joined us, but we had so much fun singing and dancing.

You know me..cant drink. Saja nak camwhore..hehhe!

Let me introduce our local version of David Tao and Alan for the night! He was singing the song "Duo Diao!" (Take Off). His expressions and actions were damn funny!
So that's it..he entertained us all night long and he's still single and available! Hehhe! A nice and funny guy..MinTee.

It's 2am now..I need to Zzzzzz. Nites!
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