I wanna complain bout my boyfriend! For not remembering our 4th Anniversaries. How can he forget?! And I hate him because he dont tend to remember the important dates except my birthday. Other than that, there's no such things as anniversaries or etc.
I dont remember anything he did on 15th April every year. In order to confirm my statement, I checked back the history in my xanga posts for 15th April every year and I dont find myself blogging about my anniversaries. Wtf! I even hint him a week ago bout our 4th anniversary and today he did nothing. I was so angry.
And he doesnt know why I'm angry!!!!! That's what makes me MORE ANGRY OKAY!
Sigh! Boyfriends are never perfect. Somehow they do have weaknesses, I know nobody's perfect. But not even an anniversary celebration?! How can that be? I'm going back Penang this Friday. At least he should do something to make me happy right?! I'm just too angry to blog about it now.
Not gonna mention bout it anymore. Assume there's no anniversaries in this world. I can only envy those couples celebrating anniversaries together! Hmmpf!
I hope he reads this entry and knows why I didnt talk to him today.
I'm gonna take my shower and sleep right now!
Angry level : 95%
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