Okay get back to the topic. I took some time to capture the items which I bought from Korea. Most of them were skincare items and make-up stuffs. Not all were captured but let me introduced some of my favourite buys.
Skin79 Diamond Collection
The entire collection of Skin79 Diamond Collection! They're soo pretty in pink! I bought so many BB Creams from Korea. That's the only item I kept hunting in Korea ever since the first day we touch down.
This entire collection only costs about RM190. So cheap right?! 9 items all together..which are:
-The Prestige Beblesh Balm
-Luminous Pearl Beblesh Balm
-Perfect Cover Beblesh Balm
-Luminous Body Bronz Balm
-UV Screen Beblesh Pact SPF22 PA++
-Star Glow Cheek (blush compact)
-Star Glow Ball Powder
-Sun Protection Balm Moist SPF50+ PA+++ -Mini BB Cream
I was lucky to have this set because they were doing some promotion at that time. Otherwise the entire set would costs about RM600!
Skinfood Aloe Vera and Mushroom BB Creams
They're so damn cheap in Korea compared to the price in Malaysia. The Mushroom BB Cream is approx RM79 in Malaysia but it's only RM55 in Korea. I've bought back a lot and sold them to friends and relatives, whom are craving for BB Creams..hahha!
I've been using the Aloe Vera one for quite some time already, but havent started the Mushroom one. I guess I'll try it very soon.. ;)
Ovet BB Cream
This is the bb cream I bought from a cosmetics shop in Korea. The tour guide brought us there, telling us that the shop is one of the most famous duty free cosmetic shop in Seoul. This BB Cream is made from Ginseng and the texture is light and has natural coverage. I'm using this for normal days and the Skinfood one for better coverage before attending dinners or any other occassions.
I bought a dozen of this bb cream! Hahha everyone was snatching for this item in that particular shop. I guess this bb cream should be the best selling item in the entire shop..hahha! This Ovet BB Cream costs about RM120. More expensive but I love the natural coverage. It is so natural/bare until no one will actually realize you have anything on the skin!
Etude House BB Cream
Hmm this is from Etude House. I only bought one to try it out myself. I find that the texture is good but it is a bit oily for me. I wondered if I bought the wrong one, because they have different type for dry and oily skin. I guess I've taken the one for dry skin..hahha! So I stopped using it..no comments for this item.
Ginseng Overnight Sleeping Mask
Have you heard of 3rd generation mask? I learnt about mask generation from the sales assistant in Seoul. The first generation is the mask piece where you put on the face and gotta wash it off after the mask is dry. The second generation is where you put on the mask piece and you dont need to rinse it off. The third generation mask is the one you apply on face and can go to bed straight away..hahahah! That's how they define the mask generations.
I love the ginseng smell especially after applying it on the face. The boyfriend always teased me that he's like sleeping beside a huge ginseng root..hahha!
Dewins Aqua Intensive Gel Cream
I'm sure most of you have heard of Samsung right?! Do you know that Samsung is the biggest company in Korea where they have a wide variety of products made in Korea, including cosmetics and skincare! So surprising right?! I find it weird at first to know that Samsung actually has skincare but after the tour guide told us about the various product line that Samsung has, then there's nothing to be surprise off. Almost every sector are all under Samsung. I bought this Dewins Aqua Gel cream to use immediately in Seoul. Our skin were very dry and this is the emergency pack! LOL..
I still have a tube of Aloe Vera BB Cream, 2 tubes of Mushroom BB Cream and 3 Ovet BB Cream left. Drop me a msg if you're interested! ;)
Alright I gotta end here. It's 12.10pm and I havent get ready. Appointment is at 1pm! I'm late...!
Hi...i've bought Dewins Aqua Gel cream oso...bt nt sure hw to use it actly...s it like toner or moisturizer?
hi its actually a moisturiser. you can use it after your toner, hope this helps! :)
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