I told the boyfriend that I'd rather die in winter rather than summer..hahha!
And he said," No it's better to die in summer. I think you're crazy!"
I'm not crazy okay. I really couldnt stand with the heat today. I'm not sure what's the temperature but I know the sun's burning my skin. I realized I'm a bit tanned now. From tomorrow onwards I'm gonna wear long sleeve shirts out. Hmm of course those cooling long sleeve shirts!
The boyfriend and I attended the seminar conducted by Success Resources, talking about Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, principles and his teachings. After that they introduced the coming seminar where Robert Kiyosaki and his team will be in Malaysia giving the talk. An opportunity to learn but I guess the seminar fees is way too expensive. They have budget seats but tak syiok aredi lah..hehhe!
My new hair style! Ya I chopped off my fringe.. ;)
Next at the Fashion on 1 fashion show.
Then we had dinner in Dragon-i, The Curve together with GeeChang and KarShek. I love to have the typical Chinese cuisines for dinner. Instead of Western food. I'm not a big fan of western food actually.
Here's what we had..
I know it's gonna be tempting..hehhe! I'm going to Dragon-i again for their RM1 chicken! Whole chicken for only RM1 okay..and they only have 100 chickens to give away. Go try people!
So that's how my weekends goes!
Next post will be interesting!
Bridegroom-to-be, all dressed up, selling tissues in Cineleisure, as request from the bride I guess. Stay tuned!
i wud rather die in winter too...bcoz then my body will b preserved mar..pretty 4ever..semacam ice princess *LOL* in summer..die sweatin..where got pretty? face oily when i die is not my ideal way of dying lor!
hahha true true! die in the summer is really horrible!
coz u sweat all over and the sweat will be smelly. How can we die in an unpleasant smell?! hahaha!
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