It was quite true actually. Not sure how accurate it's gonna be until 3 months later. Based on the cards, she refers back to the past, current and future situations. grandmum said it's 50% true about her. I think mine is about 70% true la..hehhe!
Introducing Ms Carrot Teh a.k.a JoyToTheJoyce..
It was fun actually, something like the Visiber calculation. I love to hear from fortune teller but not believing them completely. Just listen for fun and take it as an entertainment..ahhaha!
Oi. Parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração
aaaaaaaaa...ugly pics of my wonder la im single!
Oh my god!!!!!!!!!
I can vomit...
Oik dat pic is not presentable at all..
My bf is going to run away when he sees that!!!
voonsien: why didnt u comment on the happy birthday pic of urself? i change the lighting and brightness until u look so pretty la..hehhehe!
weilee: hahha u have to tell ur guy that's the natural look! natural is always the best..
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