Maybe some of you might guess my daily schedule by seeing the frequency of me updating my blog..hehhe! Actually I'm free at night but kinda lazy to resize those photos and blog about it. I'm more into reading fashion blogs to get the idea of what I'm supposed to wear the next day.
"My wardrobe is always short of ONE item." Very true. Everytime I go shopping, I will tell the boyfriend I need this and that. No full stop.
Last Sat I was at Genting for the MY FM concert. Stephanie gave me 6 tickets and 2 rooms at Highlands hotel. Me, the boyfriend, sis, dad, grandmum and Maggie (my cousin, the make up artist). So happen Sunday is the 13th anniversary of PHHP and also my crown night presentation. So we went there a day earlier for the concert.
The concert was okay. Not up to my expectations.
Us before the concert starts. 4 tickets were separated two rows behind us. I looked plain here. That's what people call nude make up..hahhah!
Here are the MY FM Dj's hosting the entire concert. I love Phoebe's dress..her character was to be sexy and bitchy.
There are many new singers present at the concert but I only know few of them like Nicholas Teo, Tank, Ping Guan, and Claire Kuo. The rest not so familiar. Maybe they're still new.
This is Ping Guan and the winner of Astro Star Quest.
Zhang Dong Liang - his voice is sexy
And in the concert, they also brought up charity activities. Here are the slide show snapshots I took:
The MY FM crew went to Pusat Penjagaan Kanak-kanak Cacat Taman Megah to carry out charity activities and also to cheer up the children there. The crew went there in the attire as shown in the concert.
When I saw those slideshow and photos, my tears almost dropped. I pity them. Some of the children were tied up, some lying on the bed, and many more. They never choose to be born in that way. In fact, when I see them, I really appreciate and be thankful of what I have today.
I'm born physically and mentally normal. I appreciate who I am and also everything that I have now. I learnt something. Never complaint of what you have now or who you are, because there are many people outside there who are more unlucky than you. Cherish and appreciate everything you have and be thankful.
After the concert, Dad told us to help out to these organisations. He asked us to consult the teachers and asked what they needed most. He asked us to give out what we can as we are given everything completely by God.
He even asked us to save up buying that 'additional' piece of clothes by donating out to the unlucky ones.
When you think that you dont have enough shirt, think of those who dont get to wear them.
When you think that your shoes aint nice, think of those whose legs are amputated.
When you think that your eyes aint beautiful, think of those who're blind.
When you think that you're not born in a rich family, think of those who're starving for food.
From what my dad said, I know I'm so lucky compared to so many people in the world. The boyfriend and I will plan to carry out charity events monthly, by gathering everyone in my network to join in the charity activities. Life would be good! I'm looking forward to find out the not-so-rich organizations and to meet up with the person-in-charge for more info.
The concert ends around 11pm. We had dinner at First World and back to our rooms for the next day's BIG event.
Next entry will be on our award presentation night. Stay tuned! ;)
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