I was interviewed by Sin Chew Jit Poh for the Prudential project. They select randomly 2 ladies at the age of 20 plus and interviewed on our point of view towards health. What do you health means to you? And also brought up the issue of medical card and youngsters mindset towards the importance of medical card.
Dont get me wrong. I'm not in the insurance line. I'm selected randomly together with another girl named Yves, who owns a boutique in Kuchai Lama.
The interview session was held in Kissaten cafe in Jaya One. I love the place so much. Ever since the interview, the boyfriend and I always had our dinner there.
Back to the interview. Both me and Yves had fun being interviewed and here comes the funny part. The photography session. We both are such a failure being models. First thing, we're so fake when we're asked to chat with each other and being photographed. Secondly, we cant give the "feel" that the photographer wants..hahha!
In the end, the photographer asked MeiYun (SinChew reporter) to chat with us and that's how she got the photo in the article..
Hmm sorry I cant make the translation to you guys because I cant read those Chinese words at all. Maybe only 1% of it..hehhe!
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