I will show the sequence of hair styles I had within a few days..
As mentioned in the earlier post, I had straightening at Peek-a-boo the next day after Tommy styled it straight. But the next day I headed to Kimarie to colour my hair, dark brown..to close away the light colour of my hair and to make it look healthier.
It's taken before and after colouring. Dark brown hair looks much healthier rite? But one thing..my ends are too dry and it looks like straighten dried grass..LOL! So yesterday morning I headed to Kimarie again and asked for haircut. The senior stylist, Helen, who coloured my hair too, did the haircut. I told her I would wanna go short and she get me the length that I want!
When I'm back home, I realised the length is a bit long. I'd prefer a shorter version of both sides. My back hair is a little shorter than front but not that obvious. She suggested to cut the back shorter and front longer. I dare not coz I'm afraid I might look funny..hahha! I think I'll go there again to get her trim for me.
I like the way she blow dry to volumize it but I dont know how. I never get the shape that she did for me..sigh! Anyway I'm lousy at blow drying hair. At the moment I'm still not used to short hair and I find I look weird all the time..hahha!
Pusat Sains Negara
Dont laugh at me please! LOL! We went to register for the Securities Commission exam and this Pusat Sains Negara is just right opposite the Securities Commission. So I told the boyfriend we should go and visit since he never been there before. So both of us bought the tickets and went in. I guess both of us are the only outsiders coz most of them are students and teachers. The entrance fee is RM6 per person. Quite cheap actually..
Still remember the chemistry atoms?
H, He, Li, Be, Bo, Ca, Ni, O, Fl, Ni, Na...bla bla bla something like this. We memorize the sequence by singing the song Lu La La Lu La La...hehhe!
Look at the brain??It's so disgusting!
I'd like to welcome my damn-good-poser-boyfriend. See his imagination of this statue..that's what he want I guess..hahha! I'm not as creative as him coz I dont think what he did and furthermore it's not suitable for girls..only guys! LOL
It's quite fun playing around in the Pusat Sains Negara although our items displayed are not that advanced. I think it would be fun for primary kids. The next place I would bring the boyfriend to is the PetroSains at KLCC since he has not been to these kinda places. We planned to visit all the tempat tempat bersejarah di Malaysia like Museum, Zoo, and etc..hehhe! At least when people asked us about these kinda places, we know what is it all about..hahha! Malaysian mar..;)
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