Especially without photos and many of you wont bother of reading those wordy-words rite?
I've been kinda busy and have no time to blog.Perhaps there's nothing much to blog about.
Lectures and tutorials.And meeting customers on alternate days.
I pity my lovely-pink-Sony T10 coz she's also been hiding in my bag for quite some time..ehehe!
Lemme recall what I did over the weekends..hmm
Saturday - met customers in the morning, went Celebrity Fitness in the evening, and dinner at Hwa's house at night.
Sunday - Went to SS2, then Pulau Ketam steamboat, and watch the All-England finals.
Oh ya..Congrats to Malaysian pair, Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong!
They really made Malaysia proud mann! I just love their games, especially the speed. Cun!
And Koo Kien Keat's gonna go bald - as he promised earlier if he gets champion.
But I think he really looks cute with his bald no big deal.
He's getting famous compared to the time when I had dinner with him, his girl and Chong Wei.
That time when Chong Wei introduced him to me..I knew nothing bout this guy.
Today he's the hero..with his current partner.
"Duo, keep up the good job!"
The bf and Weijen were betting last night on their games.
The bf bet on China and he lost a meal to Weijen..hehe!
I Miss My Long Hair..
I really miss my long hair!
My hair's so short's only shoulder length
And I prefer my ex-hair compared to my current super-curly and bombed-like hair..
I think I looked prettier with long hair..haha!
It's all Michael's fault! I asked him not to cut my hair and he ignored me..isk!
Is there any ways to make my hair grow faster??
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