Last time I did not like it..the boyfriend's family loves to go there.
But after not long, I started to love the food perhaps I'm used to it already.
I love the BBQ chicken wings..damn tasty and delicious!
I didnt blog bout the steamboat before coz it's kinda weird to take photos there.
But I did that yesterday.
Went there with Joyce and the boyfriend.
I wanted to upload Joyce's photo as well but she said she's ugly in the pic..cant upload
We ordered the steamboat for 2 person yesterday and we cant finish it.
First time me and Joyce complained that we're full for steamboat.
Most probably the reason is..
We already had our mini dinner in SS2 Kayu Nasi Kandar!
I had tosai + milo ais and Joyce had roti kosong + syrup bandung.
And I actually gave her half of my tosai..haha!
That's why we're already full when we're at the steamboat.
A more interesting news.
A fren of ours, A|X (name is changed for some reason) lai yeh in Subang.He called the boyfriend for help.
He said he was in deep shit coz there's few guys who mistakenly accused him for some reasons (that's the initial)
So the boyfriend drove so fast back to Subang. On the way, he called Weijen for help as well.
When we reached there, we saw a Satria waiting. Not long after, Weijen and the gang came.
There's about twenty over people.All there preparing..
Can u see the crowd?it's quite blur coz I zoomed to the max imagine how far I parked
And u know whats wrong with the case?
The guy said A|X harrassed his girlfriend..
"You squeezed my girlfriend's boobs, pushed her to the bed and then sucked her nipple!" the guy said.
And the boyfriend and other friends asked the victim.."Did u do that?"
A|X admit that he did that! can an innocent guy we thought did that when he already has his own fantastic and unique girlfriend!!??!
It's not worth it coz he didnt even get to fcuk the girl yet..and the trouble came in.
But they settled the case after no other interesting fights that me and Joyce expect.
Me and Joyce were so curious before that..we drove pass the place so many times coz we cant get a perfect parking.
The only parking left is in front of the opponent's car.But we dare not park there juz in case anything happen.
"Eh jot down their number plats juz in case anything happen." me
" wanna go down ar?come la we go down." joyce
"Dowan le..later the boyfriend sure scold us eh.."
"Come la..we pretend yam cha at the mamak beside."
"Wan meh?ok la.."
So we double parked and went down to kaypoh..haha!
So girls..better becareful. Keep track of what ur boyfriend is doing..
Innocent guys can turn into wolves! Never underestimate them!
That's the summary of the entire case that happened last night.
What A Life?!
Shopaholic - anytime, anywhere, anything!
I just came back from dinner with Joyce.
Many things we did within the few hours.
Refill water. Water is extremely important..
Buy some fruits.
Joyce wanted to get some fruits.She mentioned bout it few days ago.
So she went and searched for her mangoes.
In the fruit shop, I found the pear that I love - the soft type of pear.
I bought four pears and a packet of mini tomatoes.
Damage = RM8
Then we went to SJ Uptown. Some sort like pasar malam.
But tonight there's not many stalls.
When I went there before CNY, there's lotsa stalls selling clothes and other stuffs.
We walked and found nothing to buy until we reached the last stall at the entrance.
I saw the ice-cube clock. That's the clock that I saw in Rooms before but I didnt get it coz its expensive.
Now I saw it again and it's only RM10 RM8! The aunty gave me discount.
Isnt it beautiful?hehe...
Too bad it dont have pink or orange light?it's perfect if it has the rainbow colours..
Haha but what can I expect from this RM8 clock?
At first I tot the temperature wont work..but it actually works!
Worth it..
And Joyce bought a purple's quite nice.
It's kinda invisible when u wear baby-T..I think I saw it in Wacoal before.
I didnt buy..coz my damage is quite high today.
I gotta save more money to be what the boyfriend said..hehe!
So u see..the shopaholic can shop at anywhere, anytime and anything!
Ok time to study for Decision Model in Marketing..the nightmare subject!
Have a nice day!
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