Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Learn Adobe ImageReady

I reached home around 6pm just now. I'm supposed to take a rest but I didnt, instead I decided to learn how to create an animated gif. Googled for "how to create an animated gif" and found a youtube tutorial on it.

It's kinda easy!

But the photo quality is not that good. The photos are not as clear as the original copy. Too much of noise effect after it has been created into gif.
I simply choose few photos and make it into gif. file.

Can you see the noise effect? Teach me how to make those photos clearer please.


SGRMSE. said...

There's a photo editing program you could download and use for free that automatically has this feature. It's called PhotoScape and all you have to is select the "Animated GIF" feature, pick the pictures you want (to animate) and then save as JPEG (:

elaineyong said...

hey thanks a lot! anyway nice to meet u too! ;)

Tey Cindy said...

don't know much about editing pictures, but would love to drop u a note saying "u're cute!" xD