Him : Dear..it's my birthday today! So where u gonna bring me for dinner?
Me : D..it's Valentine's today! So where u gonna bring me for dinner?
Hahha! You see..we both rely on each other to plan for the day. He rely on me coz it's his birthday and I rely on him coz it's Valentine's. But we both ended up making the decision. I think next year I'm gonna plan for this. Celeb his birthday on the 13th and Valentine's on the 14th. Good idea right?!
Alright let me blog bout my double celebration now. I was in Genting on the Valentine's eve for Sally Yeh's concert. Yes again this year. I'm not a big fan of her but I kinda love her songs..I mean her voice actually.
The theme for her concert this year in Genting was My Funny Valentine. But throughout the concert nothing much is related to Valentine's Day. I think maybe it's because we went to the one on 13th Feb. So I guess her concert on the 14th will be better. I went to her concert with the bf, Wendy and Stephanie. Wendy got us the tickets from Mr Tee, using the Genting points redemption and we got the PS1 tickets which is very close to the stage. Perfect place!
The concert started around 8.30pm and Sally appeared in white long dress. After few songs then the games started. The MC will throw the flying plate to the audience and those who can catch it will have to bring their partner to the stage for games. AND MY BOYFRIEND CAUGHT IT!!
Once he caught the flying plate, my heart was jumping to the max. How am I gonna be on Arena of Stars stage?! Few thousands of audiences looking mann! But no choice we have to go up. Somehow it's a good experience standing on celebrity's stage! It's cool to be a celebrity mann. We were up on the stage with 3 other couples. And the game was to asked us to pose the most loving pose. Both of us were blanked. We cant think of anything..hahha!
And this is what we pose! Failed! Hahahaha..eventually there's one couple who got champion because their pose were really romantic! Anyway we still got the gifts. Not the pose matters, but the experience of standing at the stage in Arena of Stars, Genting.
These are what we got..
Most of the items were sponsored by Yonex and Genting. If I'm not mistaken, Sally is one of Yonex's ambassador. She loves playing badminton. She played at all her concert in Genting. And then when she hit the shuttlecocks to the audience, the boyfriend caught the shuttlecock again! Stephanie said maybe he's used to catch shuttlecocks since he was state badminton played and a coach before. And again when Sally threw some soft toys, the boyfriend got it again. So damn lucky!
I love this couple cow! It has Sally's signature on it as well. The bf said we can put it in ebay for auction..hehhe! Her whole concert was awesome except her stamina has dropped compared to the last time she was here in Genting. But her voice is still fantastic!
After the concert, we went down the hill and headed to Golden Sun Club. A place where they have slot machines. And the members get to drink any liquor for free. Drink till you drop! Reached home around 4am and that's my Valentine's eve! ;)
My Valentine's Day
Well, the night before that we slept around 5am. So the next morning I woke up around 12pm. Online for a while and lazy-ing around for few hours. The boyfriend was so patient yesterday, he didnt even say a word asking me to be quick. He allowed me to do what I want until I'm willing to get my shower..hehhe! His patience makes all my relatives said he's a real good boyfriend. He can even accompany me for shopping the whole day without making any noise, unless when he's too tired to accompany me.
I took my own sweet time to take my shower and do my one-hour make up. It was only 4pm and I asked him whether I should put on my make up for the dinner. He asked me to do it (i mean the make up okay) in the car before we head down to Overseas Restaurant, Jalan Imbi but I didnt want to. So I make up and put on everything ready. Next you know where we went?!
Kayu Original Nasi Kandar di SS2!
Hahha! Everyone's like looking at me weirdly..wondering why this woman dressing up so pretty to have nasi kandar?! Hahha but I ignored them. Who cares?! They should know it's Vday and of course I'm on a date! hahha..
My just-woke-up face.
Then we went to The Gardens to do some shopping. I was looking for a clutch/wristlet. You know nowadays snatch thieves are everywhere and I'm trying not to use big bags. I'm kinda afraid nowadays. Shopped at many shops but couldnt find any. Coach have a variety but the designs aint nice. Salvatore none. Burberry has one, I love the classic design but it's way too expensive for a small clutch. Loewe none, but I love their latest collection small bag..in bright pink. Calvin Klein has one which is not bad. Still considering. And the other way we went to Pavilion and there's one from Prada which is damn nice. Considering...
After The Gardens, we headed straight to Overseas Restaurant. It was damn jammed. The Sultan Ismail Road was closed down for the OneFM Live Concert in front of Sg Wang Plaza. We were stucked in the jam for almost 45 minutes. Started our dinner around 9pm! LOL!
This year we have group celebration instead of couple celebration. I had bad experiences of dining at restaurants on Valentine's Day. Expensive + poor food quality. So this year we'd rather save the money and have good food at Overseas Restaurant. 9 of us had dinner there. Hahha I know this is an odd number because we have a single and available friend joining us. Will introduce him later..
Robert & Delia
Alex & Fion
Gee Chang & Su Ching
Our single and available friend..Lee Wei Jen!
That's the 9 of us. And Weijen get the chef to prepare for us the food. All the menu were prepared by the chef, which is his dad's friend. We just gave the amount of dishes that we want. In fact all the dishes prepared was good. Although some dishes is a bit weird..hahha you'll know what I mean when you see the photos.
And also fried rice and stir fried vegetables. But look at the fried oyster..
Hahha! Me and Delia were laughing all the way at the oyster and I ended up not eating it. Wth..
And now the birthday celebration for the boyfriend.
HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY DEAR! *muacks*
This is the audiences' request! LOL Weijen wants to see it desperately..so we perform to satisfy his Valentine's request..lol!
And that's my Valentine's dinner! How about yours? *wink*
I gotta stop here. I'm going for dinner with the boyfriend and I'll blog again maybe tonight!
Next entry..ZOUK!
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