Then I decided to go for movie. Afterall, it's been so long since my last movie in the cinema. I sms-ed Weilee to ask whether she's free.
And she replied me," No movie to watch la.Wat movie u wanna watch?i ady watch everything."
I replied her back," Wah clever..sounds like GSC boss daughter!haha..u tell me what movie u havent watch la..or wanna go WINDOW SHOPPING?haha WINDOW!"
See how I emphasize my window shopping?! wtf. There's no such category for my shopping. It's either I buy or I dont go. Oh unless I go with the boyfriend. Sometimes I really have window shopping, but that's very very rare. Once in a blue moon.
Weilee said she cant make it today cause she's attending Ozi's birthday party tonight. So we postponed to tomorrow. Gonna watch 'Run Papa Run' by Louis Koo and Rene Liu. They reminds me of 'Happy Birthday' movie, where the song sang by Louis Koo was damn funny!
I watched the trailer and I think it's quite funny.
After I booked the tickets via online, I went upstairs to build my relationship with the bed again. I watched Wars Of In Laws, the TVB drama series, and 15 minutes later..
The boyfriend told me he's gonna take a nap cause he woke up early this morning. And I claimed myself to be sleepy as well and slept. Hahha! I'm really good in sleeping. One of my interests. The situation gets worst when I'm in KL. The boyfriend and I must not sleep together. Otherwise we wont wake up and continue sleeping till I get sick of sleeping. I think that's normal right. When I try to wake up, the boyfriend is still sleeping. So naturally I will sleep also. And vice versa. Hahha!
I must not stay at home. When I have nothing to do, I'll start to sleep and then complain that my face is chubby again. Oh FYI, the more I sleep, the fatter my face will be..I dont know why. So I dare not sleep much nowadays. I love to travel..why?! Because usually I dont get enough sleep when I travel, and my face will slim down very fast. Another good thing is that when I dont get enough sleep, I'll never have those panda eyes! Lucky huh?!
My aunt just called. She asked me to go dinner. To be continued later to share more bout "What's Wrong With Me" topic..hahha! Enjoy your Saturday night everyone! ;)
I'm back from the dinner. After dinner, I went Old Town as well. Saja wanna have a sip of my favourite Old Town White Milk Tea. I'm very sure I'll be damn awake tonight. Had more than enough sleep today and another glass of white milk tea pulak.
I'm trying to access to GSC e-ticketing to book the tickets with the boyfriend's credit card but I'm not sure whether I can just give them the confirmation ID without bringing his credit card along. It's better to purchase online so that we dont need to be there earlier 45 minutes. I'm still waiting for my new credit card. It was sent to my house yesterday but no one is at home to receive it. So they brought back to the post office. Dad gonna collect on Monday.
I purposely report the lost of my credit cards although I still have them with me. I was so frustrated with the direct debit charged by Celebrity Fitness. I had request them to stop my membership and the last time I visit the gym was July 2007 last year. And they still charged my monthly fees to my credit card. Dispute form was sent in and there's still no feedback. I got angry the other day and I called up Celebrity Fitness to look for their top management to complain. And one of the top management did actually replied to my mail and she said she's gonna look into this matter.
My advise to everyone is NEVER ever charge direct debit to your credit cards. You're gonna have problems especially when you want to terminate certain services. When I signed up for Celebrity Fitness, their staffs are really nice people. But when it comes to cancellation, it is giving me a big headache. I think this situation applies to most of other services as well.
So my dad asked me to call and report lost of credit cards. And get them to send me another new card. Furthermore my existing credit cards are old enough. Even the platinum words are gone. Lousy quality. So it's good that I have a brand new one so that it wont look so old. Dad gonna apply another supplementary card for my sis as well. She's leaving to Singapore on Monday. Honestly I feel secure bringing credit cards out with me. Sometimes I'll run out of cash and at least if there's any emergency I still have cards to swipe. But I'm more careful in using my credit cards now. Cause I need to pay my credit cards bills. Last time Dad used to pay everything and there's once where he barred my cards coz of my dont-care-just swipe-first attitude. LOL damn pity.
Few days ago I went to Maybank to apply for Direct Debit card. I changed my ATM card to direct debit card. They charged me RM12 for the additional features. Same features as credit cards, it's just that your usage limit is based on your savings amount. They debit the charges immediately to your account. So there's nothing for you to owe. I need debit card badly cause I'm using credit cards to purchase stocks from PHHP. And sometimes I receive cash from customers and I tend to spend that money for shopping. So now with debit card, at least I can control the cash for purchasing my stocks. I only use credit cards for my personal use.
Hmm tomorrow night I'm attending Women's Talk in Butterworth office. Officially they will give talk on nutrients, beauty and other women's health issues. Only women are allowed to join the talk. Mens gotta wait outside! Strictly for women only..LOL! I think it is going to be very interesting as the talk will be speeched by one of the pretty Crown Presidents. I'm sure all women gonna dress up in their pretty outfit tomorro. So do I! Hehhe ;)
I'm 21 going 22 and I'm more conscious of health and beauty issues. I gave a deep thought on these issues the other day. If I neglect my health and beauty, then I'll lost all these as I grew older. Time flies. Within a blink of eyes I'm 21-going-22 now. To me, my schooling days was just not long ago. And I remembered I just enrolled in Taylors like not long ago too. But it has been 4 years since my foundation enrolment, and now I've completed my Bachelor Degree. Who knows with another blink of eyes I'm getting married! LOL!
Oh two days ago I viewed KimOng's blog and I was so touched with her wedding proposal. I admire Josiah Ng's idea for the wedding proposal and I forced my boyfriend to read that entry of hers. So sweet and loving! I'd prefer her wedding proposal idea if to compare with the billboard wedding proposal of Kelly Tan Li E which was displayed on the LDP express. With the billboard advertising fees of around RM40k, I'd rather spend that money for romantic holidays. Somehow all humans are different, so we cant blame them ;)
I think this entry is too wordy. Furthermore my readers usually view my photos only, they'll skipped those wordy and lengthy words. So no point crapping too much here. LOL! Nitez..
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