I just had my facial not long ago and now it's full with blackheads again. I wonder if I could go for any laser or whatsoever treatment that can demolish my blackheads. I hate them. They make my noise looks darker and worst thing is the oiliness and greasiness! My blackheads are stubborn too, exactly like me.
I did mask last night before going to bed. Used the Kose Mask White to apply on the blackheads area.

The best thing I love bout Kose mask is that my face feels softer and smoother after the 20-minutes mask. But the blackheads doesn't seem to get lesser.
I think I really need the chemical peel to improve my skin condition. I wanted to do around early of June but the problem is I'm going Sipadan on the 11th July. I'm afraid that it will affect my skins after healing. I need to consult Lily again to ask her about it. Otherwise I'll do it after Sipadan.
Oh I cant wait to go Sipadan again. This time we're really entering into Sipadan! Last time we didnt get to enter into Sipadan because we didnt apply for the permission. I cant wait to take beautiful photos of the transparent blue sea. Furthermore around 40 of us going! It's gonna be a fun trip.
I went to night market just now with my aunt. Without realizing, I spent around RM100 within 2 hours. I bought an electric blue colour skinny jeans for RM48. You know what..I paid RM48 and after that I found another stall selling for RM45! Itu pun I havent ask for discount. But nvm, I really love that skinny jeans. Especially the striking colour. Bought a beach pants for RM8. Pearl earrings for RM5. Panties for RM15 and the balance for food.
I ate damn a lot just now. Laksa, carrot cake, yam cake, taiwan sausage, fishballs, pancakes, ice cream, and titbits. I love to go night market very much. Even in KL, I'll always drag the boyfriend to go pasar malam with me.
Oh I have this interesting story of mine to share with you guys..An incident happened in night market.
We went to this SS2 pasar malam for dinner. In SS2, there's one stall selling laksa and it is very very delicious. You have to queue for very long in order to get yours. So that time me and the boyfriend took our number, which is number 33, and waited for our turn. The aunty will give us a mini paper with our number on it. Then after waiting for about half an hour, finally it's near to our turn. I heard the aunty calling for number 30 already. We were so excited!
Then the boyfriend asked me,"Dear give me the number and I'll go and get it."
"Huh..I didnt take the number. It's with you. I gave it to you already,"
"No..I didnt take it. You were holding the number just now,"
I got panic. I remember giving him the number but he said he didnt take it. We couldnt find our number and the aunty was calling for number 31 already. Shit! The aunty is quite strict, and she will only recognized the number, not the person. I was searching up and down, in and out and still couldnt find the number. Then we reluctantly walked off. I was quite angry but no one to blame except myself. That was the worst queue I've ever wait! lol..
Since that we didnt had laksa there anymore. ;(

Btw I'm a big fan of laksa. If you find any place with yummy laksa, plz recommend! ;)
The best motivational camp I've ever been! It was really fantastic! I never had such a great feeling before and it was the first time in my life. I attended the 3 days life camp organized by PHHP. I dont know how should I describe my feelings during that 3 days camp. I was very very happy and glad that I have the chance to give myself a chance to reborn myself!
Let me briefly describe what we did during the life camp.
I brought 13 of my downlines to the life camp and I'm really proud of it. This was my first time to the PHHP Life Camp and I managed to bring so many people there.

Everyone in the life camp were divided into 10 groups and each of the group were supposed to come up with a flag logo, as well as motto with actions. I was in Group 7, lead by CP Theng. There were about 21 people in a group. My group was unlucky because there are too many new members and about 4-5 of us knew the statements and dance of PHHP. Anyhow, the new members are so committed and willing to learn everything.
This is my group. I did the funny drawing and others do the colouring..hahha!

Team Work
Each of the groups have to performed on the stage, showing their flag and also their group motto and actions. The main motive of doing so is actually to encourage and anticipate team work among each other. This is the boyfriend's group.

Strengths and Weaknesses
On the first day, we also discussed the importance of understanding our own strengths and weaknesses. We were asked to choose our close partner or friends or gathered in a group and to comment on each other's strengths and weaknesses.
Weaknesses are resistance to our success. Without improving on our weaknesses, success is still far from us. Mr Winston did an example to show us why weaknesses are resistance to our success.

This is Boon, and he is only 18 years old. He went to the stage to admit that he has 12 weaknesses given by his friends. He was a gangster during his schooling days and the only thing he knew was to fight. Not only fight okay, but with equipments as well. So Mr Winston asked 5 guys to tie him and the 5 guys represented his weaknesses. Only 5 of his weaknesses. After they tied him, Mr Winston asked Boon to escape from the ropes that tied him. And the 5 guys had to pull to rope tight to avoid him getting out.
Boon struggled very hard to get out of the rope that tied him. Finally he managed to get rescue himself, but unluckily his hands were hurt and bruises all over him.
So he admitted that weaknesses really stop him from achieving success. That was only 5 guys who tied him..what if 12 guys?!
Respect and Love to Parents
From the life camp, we also learned to respect the elder ones especially parents. It is useless to do any charity out of home when you're not respecting your parents. It is more important to do the charity at home before giving to others.
And how many of you actually said "I Love You" to your parents face to face? Give yourself a challenge and tell your parents "I Love You" now and hug them.
For this topic, I took the chance to go on stage and to share my experience. Before I actually went up the stage, I was crying terribly when they played the song "Mum Is the Best Person In The World" (shi shan zhi you ma ma hao). It reminds me of my mum who passed away 3 years ago due to lung cancer.
I went up to the stage to share with everyone my story. I told everyone I never had the chance to say I Love You to my mum because I am born in a family that hardly express our feelings to each other. We only showed our care for each other but never dare to voice out our love. I even shared with everyone the entire stage that I went through when my mum was diagnosed with lung cancer and until her last breath. When I was sharing, I can see everyone was crying down there, including myself. In fact, my bro was with me on the stage. And I even told everyone how naughty my bro was and the life camp had actually changed him. He apologized to my dad on the stage and we proudly say out "I Love You" to my dad, who went to the life camp as well. Mr Winston welcomed my dad to the stage and 4 of us hugged and cried, including my boyfriend. My story touched everyone and in fact, I advised everyone to appreciate their parents who are still around before it is too late. Honestly, I really cant withstand those children who dont respect or hate their parents.
And this is Mr Teh, the leader of Group 3.

On the last day, he voiced out his feelings to everyone. He finally understand what respect and love means. He admit that he did not respect and love his mum. His mum was diagnosed with cancer now and he does nothing much for his mum. He knew he was wrong now and he promised to change himself. He also promised that he will quit smoking from that day onwards. Oww so touching. He even cried! Guys do cry too, including my boyfriend. He cried when he was sharing his story with everyone. Not about his past, but the tough stage he went through when bringing up all his downlines. Every guy admire him a lot now! ; )
We were taught to have kind-hearted towards everyone including animals and plants. It is better to have an devil's look but an angel's heart instead of angel's look but devil's heart. Too much to explain on this topic.
Mr Winston also taught us to change our thinking and attitude if we wants to succeed. Dare to dream. If you dont dream of what your goals, you will never achieve it. Dare to dream of yourself in your dream cars, career, house, life, and everything. Always have a positive mind set as well.
Dreams + actions = Success!
Too many things that we've learned from the life camp. I left my book in the boyfriend's car and he went back to KL already. So I have nothing to refer to. Perhaps I can share other topics that we learned from the life camp. What I remember most was our feelings during the life camp. None of us have been so happy before. It is happier than obtaining good results in school/college! Can you imagine how happy we were. Happy, touched, sad, guilty, and etc..that were the feelings we had in the life camp.
Us with Mr Winston. I really admire him very much. His caring heart is really undeniable.
It is organized only once a year and next year I am going to recommend it as many people as I can!!
Yes all of us had graduated from the PHHP Life Camp! The last day of the life camp was the first day of our reborn..Reborn in mentality, personality, attitude, character and everything!
All the group leaders waiting for the announcement of the Best Leader!

This is the reborn version of myself! I have grown up!
From now on, I'm putting my 100% effort into PHHP and I promised myself that I must get my Crown President title by this August! I am also very proud that all my downlines now are putting their efforts to achieve our goals together. Proud enough already and last night during the OPP, 3 of my new downlines finally challenged themselves to talk on the stage. They finally break through their fear to be on stage. That is just too good!! I have no idea how can I express my excitement and happy feelings now!!! 
I had facial today in a new place. The place that Weilee do her facial. Derma K. That's the place. Lily did the facial for me. Indeed she's the only one there. The owner and the beautician all by herself. It took about 3 hours for the entire facial session. She is very particular on every pores on my face. She cant withstand the blackheads and whiteheads on my skin. She took her own sweet time to extract out the blackheads. It was painful but still manageable lar. Weilee told me that it's painful yesterday, so I actually have preparation for it.
I went to the beautician yesterday for consultation before my facial appointment today. I went there to find out more about chemical peels/microdermabrasion programme. I wanna get rid of all my dead skins and allow skin renewal. The entire process gonna take about 7-10 days where I have to stay at home on the 3rd-5th day when the skin starts to peel off. I find skin renewal is good as I have some acne scars and dead cells.
I'm planning to sign up for the skin renewal course on June I think. I wanted to do immediately like this week but I'm going for Life Camp next Friday. So I guess it's best to do after the Life Camp.
Many things I wanna do. Like for now, skin renewal. Then I'm gonna visit the dentist to get rid of my wisdom tooth. Both sides. Each tooth gonna costs about RM500, so two will be around RM1k. Expensive! Wisdom tooth, why lar you wanna grow out?! Cant you just stay in the gum?! And I wanna have braces AGAIN. I had braces once when I was in secondary school. But now my teeth is out of its beautiful position coz I did not wear the retainer enough long. The dentist told me that I only need to pay around RM1k to redo the braces. I want the transparent one!
Tua Pek Kong Temple
One of the historical place in Bukit Mertajam. I brought Jellita there to try the famous Lou Shu Fan. The difference is that it is made from rice. You can find this stall in most of the food guide food as it is very famous. The food stalls are located right beside the temple. According to my dad, the temple has been one of the longest temple in Penang. I dont know how true is that coz I seldom go to temples.
This is the chilly which makes the Lou Shu Fan delicious. It will only be good with the chilly, otherwise so-so only.

I usually go there for the Lou Shu Fan only. But they have other stalls as well, which are also famous. Like Hokkien Mee, Laksa, Economy Rice, Noodle Soup, Wan Tan Mee and others.
Too many good food in Penang! I'd be very happy if I knew all those famous places for good food and to try out. And most importantly to take tempting photos of the food and to blog about it..LOL!
I dont wanna blog more now. Too many mosquitoes attacking my legs! Dad's office is always mosquitoes' home! =/
Woke up early this morning and followed Dad to Penang for the auction. We reached there quite early and had breakfast in one of the 'antique' kopitiam at the old Penang street. Sorry I have no idea what's the street called but simply la..classify as one of the old street will do. Then I started to camwhore and even my Dad did the crazy action with me. He even told me where should I take the photos, especially the historical-like buildings and some very old shops.
He drove me to few streets there, parked by the road side and I started to take pictures of those buildings in colours, vivid colours, sephia or black and white. But I'd preferred the building photos to be in sephia as it looks more real. Too bad I dislike the cars parked there..coz this shows that the building is old, but you could see Kelisa or Proton there. This means the vehicles are modern = no more historical-like photos! My dad said I should get one antique mini cooper to park there and start taking the photos..LOL!
And this is one of the India street nearby. I love this street because it is so colourful. Everything sold there is pretty colourful and I decided to take the photos using the vivid colour mode. The photo turned out to be quite good.
An old temple
After the auction, I went to picked Jellita and her mum in the afternoon. Sent her mum to the airport and we went shopping at Queensbay Mall. I bought nothing but a sunglasses from MNG. No photos of myself with the new sunglasses, perhaps in a few days time I will show up one ; ) Next, laksa time for both of us. We tempt Juliaty on the delicious laksa and asked her to come down to Penang immediately by ferry.
Her reply was good, "I'll reach at the 2500 hour"..which can never exist! LOL
Pretty tired. Reached home and I took a nap before dinner. And just now I brought Jellita to Auto City and we hang out at Old Town. It was my first time having hot white milk tea in Old Town. You can hardly see me with hot drinks unless I have no choice!

This time my reason is that I HAVE FOOD POISONING! I dont know whats wrong with my stomach. I think it should have be the crabs that I took yesterday. I'm really sensitive to seafood which are not fresh. I experienced once in Subang where I took crabs and the next day I vomited and had bad diarrhoe. The situation got worst and I was admitted to the hospital. (According to Jellita, that's not hospital..it's a 5-star hospital because the price is much more expensive than staying in the hotel..Oh I was admitted to Sunway Medical Centre!)
That's me and Jellita. Right now she's sitting beside me reading every single word that I typed. I think she's gonna fall asleep soon. So I'd better stop here. We're going for breakfast tomorrow morning and I'll take more photos to tempt Juliaty k!
P/S: Juliaty, we're still waiting for your arrival at the Penang jetty! ; p Oh and Jellita said if you have read my blog, you'll definitely msg-ed her right after! LOL
Reached Penang around 4pm yesterday and rushed back home to attend for the monthly award presentation. I have few members who got promoted last month, including myself. So I have to be there. Otherwise I'm still in Jakarta now. Didnt even get enough of sleep coz we woke up around 5am to get to the Jakarta airport.
Jakarta has the worst traffic jam I've ever seen. You can get stuck in the traffic jam for hours, which I dont think so Malaysia will experience that except during festive seasons. We were afraid that we might be late if there's any traffic, it's unpredictable. In addition, it's in the morning..the time where people go to work.
Ok updates. Let me think what I did..
I did a lot of shopping in Bandung and Jakarta. I bought 2 Guess top, AX baby T, CK long sleeve top, DKNY blouse, high-waist skirt, Miss Sixty pants, and some other cheap bargain fake eyelashes and nighties. It's cheap. Much cheaper than in Malaysia. Instead I should open an online boutique to sell these things huh..hehhe!
Rupiah has depreciated again and it's is RM1 to Rp2900. So things are cheaper there. I bought a new camera. Canon IXUS 860 IS. It is slightly cheaper than the price in Malaysia but the warranty is in Indonesia. It's alright for me coz I'll be in Indonesia quite often, so if there's any problem I can still send there.
In the airport. Experimenting with my new camera. (That's my dad)!

Cool? The functions are not as much as my previous Sony T100 especially the editing tools. I dont have time to explore the other functions yet.
Yesterday we were waiting in LCCT for our next flight back to Penang and this is what I came across from TheStar.

That is so cruel! How can a dad raped his daughter and if you read further, the daughter even got pregnant! WTF! The daughter, named Elisabeth, who became the monster's daughter and wife at the same time?! What kinda dad is that. He even locked her up in a small room. Too cruel to become a human.
The boyfriend bought me this book titled "The Secret". He has read one, the Mandarin version and he explained whatever he read to me. But when I was in the airport, I told bout this book in the English version and he asked me to get it. It's RM70 and he bought for me. I seldom read. Which is not a good habit because my general knowledge are really limited compared to the boyfriend. So now he's encouraging me to read more..hahha!
I've read half of the book and I find it interesting. Especially the life theory and etc. I never like story books or fictions or non-fictions books. Except "The Shopaholic". Sometimes I do read motivation books or self-improvement books. In fact, I have quite a number of books on that. But you know what..I WILL NEVER FINISH READING THEM! Hahha it's always until the half only. Then I get bored and slowly forget bout the book. And the next time when I visit MPH, I'll try to get another new book..LOL!
Anyway I think I'll finish "The Secret" coz it's pretty interesting. In fact, I've read half of the book in the airport yesterday. I got myself an Iced Tea from Coffee Bean and start reading. We waited for almost 3 hours in the airport. ;)

I got bored waiting in the airport. Furthermore it's LCCT, where you have no place to shop and it's humid. Yesterday was extremely crowded. I dont know where those people are going. We reached LCCT around 11am and my next flight to Penang was 3pm. So I went to the sales counter to asked if I can join the earlier trip which is around 1pm but the salesperson said it was full.
I was surprised. Why so many people are going Penang? I even asked my dad if there's any events going on in Penang. Hmm no choice but to wait for 3 hours there. The queue was very long at the boarding gate. Everyone is rushing to get the front seats.
Whereas I'm different.
I rushed to get the middle seats which are near to the emergency exits. Coz it is more spacious! But becareful..sometimes the seats cant be lean backwards. It depends on which flight is that.

It is alright if the destination is near. But if it's far, I'll definitely get one express boarding ticket, and get the seats in the middle. On my way back to Penang, I took the 3Sixty magazine to read and came across this article..

Sales in Singapore!I'm planning to go next month after the boyfriend finished his finals. Time to shop again!
Hmm I'm talking more and more bout shopping these days. I have never ending story for shopping and also never ending new items..LOL! Did I just mentioned before that I'm gonna control my shopping?! I broke my promise and I always do. Hehhe
I have nothing to buy. Nothing needed. But endless wants. I got myself Chanel make up base. I bought the white base which has glittery look. This is the new colour for their make up base. The Azur.
My skin glows and looks brighter with this. I wanted to get it in the Jakarta airport but it was out of stock. It is cheaper in Jakarta. Around RM140 but in Penang, it's RM158.
Alrite that's all for now. I need to wake up early tomorrow. Dad is bringing me to go for land auction and who knows I'll get some tips from him. Then I can do more shopping..Hahha!
; )