Then only to the good news..hehhe!
Well..the super BAD NEWS is...
I'm so damn sad bout it!
Here's how the story goes..
He went into the toilet in Takashimaya to do his big business
He took out my camera from his pocket and put it on top of the toilet roll box
After he's done, he flushed and just walked out!
He forgot that he did not took out my camera!
Half an hour later, I wanted to take photo..
And that's when he realized he lost my camera!
We ran to Takashimaya to look for it..
Just in case there's some kind human who found it
Too bad..none! Hmmph!
The boyfriend volunteered to get me a new camera
But I want back my Pink T10!
Beautifully designed with pink diamonds on it!!
Anyway I'm considering Sony T100 (Black)
I tried it the other day and I just love the functions!
I guess I'm gonna get a black one and design it with diamonds again..hehhe!
Some of my friends would tease me especially when it comes to photo sessions
They'll just mention bout my camera
And I really felt lost without my camera!
My world isnt that fantastic anymore..I cant tell what I see..ish!
Good News
But the good news is..
I've got the new LV collection - Speedy Mini Lin that I love so muchie!
(Darling poney, I dont need to ma-ma-fan-fan find 3G to show you this bag! Hehhe..)
Bought it in Singapore
Slightly cheaper than in Malaysia ;)
At least when he lost the camera, he got me a new bag!
Love you lots dear!
I bought nothing much in Singapore
Only few items..
Armani Exchange jacket - a plain black one..
Levis Lady Style Jeans
MNG sunglasses & coins purse
That's all I bought
Nothing much..
But we really enjoyed there!
Oh..and I meet up with May as welll
She's working in Singapore and I managed to catch up with her for dinner
And also a 'yam char' session, which that word doesnt seem familiar to her..hahha!
She said Singaporeans use the word "chill" instead of "yam char"..
But that's what KL people used to say right???!
Okay I need to pack all my things especially my stationaries and books
Got to get ready for the new semester
Which is also my final semester! Woo-hoo..
I gotta appreciate studying..hahha!
Otherwise I might be working after this and no chance for me to go college anymore
Unless I made my decision to further my studies in Aussie
*Take care people!*