And the boyfriend found this cute photo of Alex
So cute rite??Hahahhaa!
The boyfriend asked me to submit this photo to KeiKei in Friendster! LOL
I've did that and I hope they'll have fun with this cute pic..hehe!
This is Celest and Braydon
The boyfriend's niece and newphew
They're so cute and adorable..furthermore their age gap is just few months difference!
Celest is so hyperactive today
Perhaps she has got enough sleep already..hehe!
She was happily playing with the boyfriend and me!
Hmm usually she's always grumpy!
Braydon - the stone but handsome boy
He used to be so blur but now he's hyperactive!
He loves to walk in the whole house searching and touching things..
Kids are beautiful! Love 'em..
Btw..I'll be away to Redang for few days! Hehhehe..nothing to be surprised rite?
And I'm not excited to go as well..coz going Redang is like going back to hometown! LOL